Day Trip to Mount Buffalo National Park

We went to Bright with our friends to celebrate 3 birthdays. On Sunday, May 21 we visited Mt Buffalo National Park.

It was a cold and gloomy morning but by the time we arrived to Cresta Valley it started to clear up. The Horn was completely covered in fog / clouds so we decided to go to the Cathedral and Hump instead.

The trail started from a little car park on the Mt Buffalo Road. There were a toilet and a couple of picnic tables there. I was surprised to see some snow there:

Steps with some snow

The sign reads:

The Hump -1 hour return

This track provides access to the base Tof the Cathedral and a high lookout on the Hump. The action of ice and water over millions of years has broken away surrounding granite leaving the Cathedral as a massive solitary ‘tor’ and the Hump as an extensive boulder field.

Climbers can often be seen clinging to the rock. The 1km track climbs up to a saddle below the Cathedral. Continue left a further 500m steeply through thick Alpine Wattle wildfire scarred Snow Gums to the Hump.

A hut was constructed here in the early 1930’s to provide shelter for some of the first skiers on Mount Buffalo. Cresta Valley was later chosen as a better site with Australia’s first ski tow being installed there in 1936.

The track was quite steep with lots of steps.

Soon we reached the Cathedral – an impressive rock tor.

The Cathedral
The Cathedral from south

After about 400 meters we were on the Hump – 1695 meters above sea level.

The views were breath-taking.

The land below looked like another planet.

The Cathedral from the Hump

It was definitely worth it to climb up here.

Our descent was much faster. It took us about 1 hour to complete the walk.

After having a lunch we drove down to the Torpedo Rock:

Torpedo Rock
Torpedo Rock

After that we drove to the Mount Buffalo Chalet to enjoy fabulous views from the Bents Lookout and the Echo Point.

We finished our trip with a walk to the Underground River – 2.6 km return.

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