Sugarloaf Reservoir Loop

We did this circuit on Saturday, April 14th.


The sign says:

Sugarloaf Walking Track
18km 5hrs return circuit

Surprisingly you can get to the water. Most Melbourne catchments are fenced and access to the water is prohibited. I think you are still not supposed to swim or wade in the water.

Solar power plant

The trails goes next to a solar farm with lots of panels.

The reservoir has weird irregular shape
You can see Melbourne City in the distance

The trail was wide most of the time. Sometimes it would get narrow.

We walked around the reservoir clockwise. I think it was good decision – we saved impressive views over the reservoir till the end.

The sign says:

Melbourne Water

Most of Melbourne’s water comes from uninhabited, forested catchments. Melbourne is one of the few cities in the world that has protected water supply catchments. Melbourne Water manages these catchments to protect our drinking water.

Our water is safe and pleasant to drink, and undergoes minimal treatment – it is better to start with the highest quality source.

A key part of Melbourne Water’s responsibility is to encourage the sustainable use of this precious resource.

Water treatment plant
View from the dam
Birds flying low in V formation

It took us 5 hours to complete the walk.

Trail NameSugarloaf Reservoir Loop
Estimated Time5 hours
ParkSugarloaf Reservoir Park
Access2WD (no dogs)

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